Michoacán, el alma de México | Visit Michoacan

Monarch Butterfly

Marvel at the majestic Monarch butterflies, where millions migrate each year, painting the sky with their unique beauty.


The annual migration of the Monarch Butterfly, from the north of the continent to the forests of Mexico, is a unique natural phenomenon in the world. This species, widely distributed in the Americas, is known to undertake an epic journey to the Mexican forests, covering a distance of up to 5,000 kilometers.

Ranging in size from 9 to 10 centimeters, Monarch butterflies have subtle differences between males and females: males are slightly larger and have a distinctive black spot on their wings, while females are distinguished by more pronounced black markings. Genetically, monarch butterflies have 16,866 pairs of genes, some of which give them the ability to fly long distances with less fatigue and require less oxygen, a crucial adaptation for their migration.

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Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle


  1. Eggs: After mating, the female deposits her eggs on the underside of the leaves of the asclepia plant.
    Each butterfly can lay up to 400 eggs.
    Incubation lasts 4 to 8 days, after which the caterpillars emerge.
  2. Caterpillar: At hatching, caterpillars feed first on the eggshell and then on the milkweed.
    After about two weeks, the caterpillar forms its chrysalis, which is suspended from the plant.
  3. Chrysalis: The chrysalis phase lasts between 8 and 15 days.
    During this time, the caterpillar undergoes a metamorphosis that transforms it into a butterfly.
    In the last days, the chrysalis becomes transparent, revealing the colors and structure of the butterfly.
  4. Butterfly: The butterfly emerges from the chrysalis and, depending on the generation to which it belongs, its life span can vary from 3 to 6 weeks, or up to 8 or 9 months in the case of the migratory generation, known as the Methuselah generation.

The Monarch Butterfly inhabits mainly North America, and it is the groups located east of the Rocky Mountains that migrate to the forests of Mexico. Colonies on the Pacific coast remain in the same region or migrate to southern California during the winter.

Generations of the Monarch


  1. Generation 1: Hatches in the southern United States in April and migrates northward in spring, laying eggs in the central and eastern United States in May.
  2. Generation 2: Matures between May and June, continuing northward migration, covering the northern United States and southern Canada.
  3. Generation 3: Born and dies in its summer habitat in the northern states of the United States and Canada, from the Rocky Mountains through the Great Lakes to the Atlantic.
  4. Generation 4 (I): Known as the Methuselah generation, they begin migrating south in August, traveling almost 5,000 kilometers to reach the oyamel forests of Michoacán between October and November.
  5. Generation 4 (II): These butterflies hibernate in Mexican forests, forming clusters on trees during December and January to resist the cold.
  6. Generation 4 (III): In February, as temperatures rise, butterflies emerge from dormancy, search for food and water, and mate.
    They then begin their journey back north, depositing their eggs in the southern United States.

In their natural habitat, Monarch butterflies depend on the milkweed plant, also known as “milkweed”. This plant is fundamental to their life cycle, as the butterflies lay their eggs on it, and it is the only source of food for the caterpillars. In addition, milkweed provides a natural defense against predators, making them toxic or at least tasteless. Adult butterflies, on the other hand, feed on the nectar of various flowers.

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