Michoacán, el alma de México | Visit Michoacan

Sea Turtles

Immerse yourself in the magic of Sea Turtles, they have their home in virgin and protected beaches, offering a unique wildlife spectacle.


Every year, Michoacán’s beaches, such as Playa Azul, Colola and Ixtapilla, become natural sanctuaries where three species of sea turtles-the leatherback, black and olive ridley-arrive to carry out their nesting ritual.
During the month of October, when the arrival of these turtles reaches its peak, coastal communities dedicate their time and effort to the conservation of these species, creating an environment conducive to their protection and celebrating their presence with festivals and cultural events that highlight the importance of these endangered creatures.

Turtle sightings vary according to the season: the olive ridley turtle nests between June and December, the black turtle between October and December, and the leatherback, the largest and oldest turtle, between December and March.
The protection of the receiving beaches is in the hands of the local communities themselves, backed by the government, who together have worked tirelessly to preserve these critical habitats, ensuring that this amazing migratory phenomenon continues year after year.


Leatherback Turtle


  • The leatherback turtle is the fastest sea turtle, reaching speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour in the water.
  • With more than 100 million years of existence, leatherback turtles are one of the oldest species of turtles.
  • This species can dive to depths of up to 1,200 meters and remain underwater for more than an hour, surpassing any other sea turtle.
  • Unlike other turtles, the leatherback has a carapace composed of skin and blubber, rather than hard scutes, which allows it to adapt to high pressures in deep water.

Black Turtle


  • Black turtles are carnivorous in their youth, but become herbivorous as they mature, feeding mainly on seagrasses and algae.
  • If they can overcome the multiple threats they face, black turtles can live more than 80 years in the wild.
  • Black turtle hatchlings measure only 5 centimeters at birth, but as adults they can grow to over one meter in length.

Olive Ridley Turtle


  • Olive ridley turtles may nest up to three times per season, depositing a total of up to 300 eggs in different nests.
  • The name “olive ridley” comes from the olive hue of their carapace, which allows them to camouflage themselves in their natural environment.
  • Although it is one of the smallest species of sea turtles, the olive ridley can lay up to 100 eggs in a single nest .
  • Their life cycle includes long migratory journeys between their feeding grounds and nesting beaches, a journey they make with precision every year.

The beaches of Michoacán are the perfect setting to witness one of the most impressive natural spectacles of marine life.
The dedication of the local communities and the natural wealth of the region make it possible for this vital cycle to continue, connecting sea turtles with their ancestral home.

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