Michoacán, el alma de México | Visit Michoacan


The miniature is a faithful imitation of everyday life.


Mainly for collectors, covering a variety of materials and craft techniques, having great boom in colonial times where they were in great demand, although there is similarity and confusion between the miniature and the toy, the difference lies in the thoroughness in its preparation and finishing demanding greater skill of the craftsman, so that they are copies of several objects of normal scale.

Some of the miniatures made in textiles are rag dolls that allude to characters and daily activities of the region in which they are reproduced.
These figures are dressed with very detailed Purépecha clothing, such as a guanengo, a gabancito, a petticoat or apron, which have their respective embroidery, the roll with its perfect pleating and accessories, which are placed as they are worn in reality by Purépecha men and women.

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