Michoacán, el alma de México | Visit Michoacan

Pottery and Ceramics

Clay is one of the most precious riches of Michoacan soil.


Even though pottery is considered as a single term, given the importance and growth that pottery has had in recent years in different communities and localities of the state with the denomination of pottery or high temperature pottery, this separation is conventionally made with the following descriptions.

Pottery: It is the modeling of clay extracted directly from the ground, under different modalities obtaining with its firing, clay articles named by their finish, shapes and uses.

Ceramics: The main components of ceramics can be silicon oxide and complex silicates such as kaolins, clays, feldspars and others, which are generally fired at high temperatures to produce products with greater aesthetic and commercial value.

The figures of devils in Ocumicho and Catrinas in Capula overflow with joy and fantasy all the limits of imagination.
Everywhere, with concentration and much patience, Michoacan artisans press colors with their finest brushes; they celebrate their nature in foliage, flowers, fruits and abstract figures, fretwork…
Stylizations of sky, earth, wind, fire, sea, flora and fauna.

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