Michoacán, el alma de México | Visit Michoacan

Tierra Caliente Dance

In the music and dances of the Apatzingán Valley, the cultural heritage of the “third root” comes alive with joy and vibrant energy.


The Danza de Tierra Caliente is a festive expression where the drumming of the harp and the resonating of the zapateado on the stage capture the essence of this region, known for its warm character and festive spirit.

The unique and contagious rhythm of the music, accompanied by the elegance of the traditional costumes and the distinctive zapateo, reflects the identity of the people of the Tierra Caliente.
Here, every note and every step dances to the beat of history and tradition, showing the rich mix of indigenous, African and European influences that have shaped this cultural expression.

This dance is not only a celebration of folklore, but also a testament to the passion and pride of a region where human warmth is felt in every chord and every smile. With their particular way of dancing, dressing and singing, the locals of Tierra Caliente continue to transmit their legacy through a dance that is as vibrant as the land where they were born.

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