The availability and versatility of wood are the reason for the elaboration of handicrafts with different purposes and uses, since its properties make it easy to work with a minimum of tools, which gives a wide space for creativity to the artisans who since pre-Hispanic times have made use of this natural product resulting in true works whose fame has transcended national borders, as in the case of masks, carved and carved furniture, toys, kitchen utensils, religious articles and others of great handicraft value.
Although wood carving uses simple tools, the skill with which they are handled makes it possible for the artisans to create works that distinguish us internationally.
Although wood carving uses simple tools, the skill with which they are handled makes it possible for artisans to create works that distinguish us internationally: columns and lintels, as construction elements; oars and yokes for work; religious sculptures and popular art; altarpieces or ornamental pieces; animal figures and masks used by the dancers of the communities on feast days.
The most commonly used woods for this work are copalillo, avocado, red cedar, sabino, oak, pine and willow.