Michoacán, el alma de México | Visit Michoacan

San Lorenzo

Benedicta Alejo Vargas

Master Traditional Cook


Originally from San Lorenzo, she is one of the most important traditional cooks in the state. Winner of more than a dozen awards, ambassador of Michoacan cuisine around the world, she has participated as a judge in international competitions and even cooked corundas and mole with cheese for Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican. To this day, she still goes to the mountains to get the raw materials she uses in her recipes.

In addition to creating his own dishes in the kitchen of his hometown, he serves by reservation and events to anyone who has a craving to try his delicious mole with cheese, his famous blue corundas stuffed with beans, or the charalitos en salda.


The specialty of this Master Traditional Cook is mole with cheese and blue corundas stuffed with beans. She is also known for her charalitos en salsa, all of them traditional dishes of Michoacan cuisine.


San Lorenzo


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