San Jerónimo Purenchécuaro
Rosalba Morales Bartolo
Master Traditional Cook
In La Cocina Tradicional de Rosalba, the master chef’s restaurant, you can breathe tradition in an atmosphere full of flavor and color, where dishes with more than 40 years of history are prepared. Rosalba also grows avocados, oranges, limes, lemons, apples and pomegranates.
Among its specialties is trout in Purenchécuaro sauce, made with tomato, tomato, cilantro, xoconostle, garlic and onion, a dish that earned it recognition as the best rescue dish of the lake region. Other of her most requested recipes are churipo with corundas, seasonal atápakuas and mojarra in ceremonial mole.
They say that no one makes charal tacos like she does. First she flakes them, then she removes the gills and, finally, she browns them with pine wood to prevent them from becoming bitter. She serves them on tortillas with tomato, onion, cilantro, avocado and a xoconostle or pitaya sauce, always using yellow chile perón.