Bohemian Magical Town, home of artists and refuge of traditions

Jiquilpan is a peaceful town with lively portals, leafy gardens, beautiful temples and pleasant walks. A town that is covered in a blue veil when the jacarandas bloom. A people passionate about art. And a people proud of having seen the birth of General Lázaro Cárdenas.

A magical and quiet town. During the day, the landscaped squares are a coming and going of people in their chores. In the afternoon, the portals of the Colón Garden are filled with another bustle: it is bohemian time, coffee time, lively conversation, music.

A town with its own forest that offers shelter and shade, the Cuauhtémoc Forest. The ideal place to go for a run, to walk or to celebrate. A forest that houses a Stone House that could well be called the house of silk.

Art is present in every corner of the Magical Town of Jiquilpan: in the silk and handicraft workshops, in music, in gastronomy. Also in the surprising magiscopes of Feliciano Béjar. Or on the walls of the Library, with impressive murals by the great master José Clemente Orozco. An unmissable visit.


  1. Take a photo at the famous Fuente de la Aguadora and Fuente de los Peces, designed by the great Mexican architect Tresguerras.
  2. Visit the Casa de Piedra in the Cuauhtémoc Forest, where a very interesting project to recover silk work is being carried out. The rebozos are exquisite.
  3. Visit El Porvenir, the extraordinary house-museum of the world-renowned artist Feliciano Béjar.
  4. Go to the pilgrimage of the Virgen de los Remedios in Totolán.
  5. Try the local gastronomy: uchepos and corundas, harvest broth or zalate-style burritos.





Magic towns


Alma de México

Santa Clara

Alma de México


Alma de México


Alma de México